Road safety experts call it the POWDER check, where drivers can quickly check that their vehicle is roadworthy before leaving home, particularly if they are setting out on a journey.
It is all a matter of planning ahead to avoid the unnecessary delay of a breakdown. POWDER is …
Petrol – Make sure that you have enough for the journey and plan refuelling stops.
Oil – This should be checked when the engine is cold (check your handbook) and the vehicle is parked on a level surface. Also include hydraulic fluids for the clutch, brake, and power steering systems in your inspection. Most motorists only check their engine oil levels when an instrument panel warning lights up.
Water – The levels in the radiator and windscreen washer bottles should be checked while parked on a level surface.
Damage – Check the bodywork, wheels and fixtures, including the mirrors and windows. Make sure your windows are clean inside and out.
Electrics – Check all lights, indicators and hazard warning lights are in good working order and clean. Also test the horn.
Rubber – Check the tyre pressures and tread depth, and look for damage to the tyres and wheels. Check the wiper blades for damage.
Road safety experts say making regular checks can also save money in the long run – it’s best to deal with minor problems and repairs as they happen.
As every mechanic knows: “Failure to keep oil levels topped up will lead to increased engine wear, fuel usage and diminished performance.”